Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Life's little lessons....

Lesson #1

When staying home sick, always bring child to daycare!!!!

Yesterday I had a some nastiness and didn't go to work. I called in sick at 5 am, set the alarm for 7 and called daycare to tell her I would bring Kiran to school in the afternoon. Basically telling her she had a free day. Kiran woke up at 8:15 and asked what day it was. I told her Tuesday and rolled over. She jumped up on me, why aren't we up yet? I told her I was sick and was going back to sleep. It was then that every 15 minutes she woke me up telling me she was BORED!! The kid is six she doesn't get BORED!! That lasted until I finally emerged out of bed at 11 am.

Lesson #2

Never leave your take-out in the reach of six year old when changing clothes!!!

Every Wednesday, after dance class, we get take out. Tonight was my turn to choose the restaurant. We drove through Culver's. Kiran wanted a grilled cheese and I order a blue burger. When we got home, I dashed upstairs to change my clothes. When I went downstairs to eat my burger, I opened it up and Kiran pointed out what looked like a bite mark on the bun. I was looking at it thinking this is the grossest thing I have ever seen. I got out the phone book to call Culver's when Kiran started laughing. It seems she took a little bite out of it and wrapped it right back up.

Lesson #3

Always make sure you have wine in the house after a hard day!!!

Need I say more......

Kiran is not only beautiful and bright; she is also very inventive and funny!

I love the fact that she could take a bite out of that burger and re-wrap it to check your reaction!

As for the wine, this is a lesson we all eventually learn, for a variety of reasons........

Hope you're feeling better!

I hate it when I really want a beer after a hard day and the fridge is empty!

That Kiran is one funny kid. I would have never thought of that. Eating it, yes, putting in a bite mark, no. That was so funny.


Thanks for stopping by my blog.

I enjoyed your post on life's little lessons. I believe I have encountered all three before. lol

Have a blessed week ahead.

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