Sunday, December 25, 2005


CHristmas morning....

These are my three favorite photos of the day. They were taken this morning when Kiran discovered what Santa brought her. The first photo is of the gifts... Yes, Santa should really only bring one gift to our house but this year he brought two. The first is the first season of Full House, I am already sick of it, and four books in the Junie B series which I love and so does Kiran. She also opened an adoption bracelet that her mommy got for her. She told me it was the most important bracelet she had!!!!
We had a great day, first over to my brother's to open presents with them. Kiran, amazingly, found money to buy her mommy some new prefume. I was also amazed at that my brothers family got my a Gift Certificate to the MN Children's Theater. I can bring Kiran to at least two plays in the next year. I am so excited.....

Then it was off to my aunt and uncles for an early dinner. Always fun to go over there. I love them so much and in the last 13 years my aunt as made sure I am never alone for any holiday. Then back to my brothers for some wine, playing a few games, and watching that classic basketball movie Space Jam.

I hope everyone spent today the way that they wanted to..... I love my family but happy to be home........

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!


Oh we are so lucky, we only need to see that beautiful face to know what Angels look like.

Heart Warming!

Thanks Mom!

Your daughter is so beautiful

Sounds like you had a lovely time :)

Merry Christmas
Wonderful pics--your daughter's eyes hold such mischevious wisdom!
Thanks for the nice comments on my blog--and yes, it will be quite a reunion, come the 29th!

Blessed be..and I don't use that word lightly...

Thanks for sharing all!

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