Wednesday, November 09, 2005



Running late-played 500 rummy to long this morning
Waking up Kiran and get called stupid and the remote flies through the air....
Kiran needs something brown to wear to school, she says she wears brown everyday....
Still running late, have to stop at the local convenience store to get 1/2 bagel for preschool...
Drop K off at daycare... She is finally happy....
Get to work with 5 minutes to spare
Teach the class from Hell until 2:15, then pick up the 8 I am tutoring, which has 4 from the class from hell.....
Work until 5
Pick up my niece at school
Weigh in at WW
Drop of Laura, pick up Kiran who proceeds to learn that the middle finger in not a good thing when her cousin pays her 52 cents to show me.....Then cries when I am agast...
Thomas comes with us so we can drop him off at basketball practice.... Kiran is getting one her seatbelt, is having trouble and screams...crap!!!! I turn around with the same finger look and she starts crying again.
Cries all the way home 20 minutes....
Make a taco with leftover meat......'
Take out the trash, try to ignore the crabbie one, fold laundry.....
Kiran finally goes to bed.....
Time for mommy to go to sleep...........
Holy shit.

You are a saint. I have known this for a long time, but that roster cofirms it for me: I'd have bawled, no doubt, when "stupid" got tossed at me first thing in the morning. Sounds like Kiran's tired; the weekend's coming. Soon, soon.

Love the new look here! I'll send you instructions for photo uploads, etc., tomorrow. Too tired tonight.
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